Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Talking about Biology

Hi Students!!!

I have learned about yet another tool to help you develop a good understanding of Biology! Whoo Hoo!! From time to time, I am going to post a question or statement to which you are required to respond. My goal is to get you talking about biology in an effort to deepen your understanding. You will be required to answer my questions in addition to responding to the posts of your classmates. There are of course ground rules that must be followed.

1. Your posts must be on topic.
2. Everyone must be polite and kind to each other.

So, the first question: What is your experience with blogging? What do you hope to accomplish with this added dimension to our class? And now for a biology question...In our last unit on cellular respiration, you learned how mitochondria produce ATP. Why is this molecule so important?


26 RINGS said...

Hi Mrs. Utley. I have a little bit of experience blogging. I blog a lot with my youth group. I hope to obtain a better overall understanding of Biology through this blog.

ATP is so important because it provides energy. Energy is defined as the ability to do work. Without energy, no work would be done. Nothing would be accomplished. Of course, with nothing happening, the universe would not be able to function, therefore, we, as well as all other forms of life, would be unable to exist. And, of course, if we were unable to exist, then I would not be able to explore this intriguing blog!!!!! :):):)

LamboFreak said...

I have never blogged before and I hope that it will be a very good experience for my study of Biology. To get to find out more things than I do in class because not everyone talks and shares their opinion in the subject that we study in class that day.

ATP, in my opinion and probably is a lot of others opinions, is the most important thing in the human body and in anything that goes through cellular respiration because it supplies energy. Also energy is defined as the ability to do work, basically do everything. The world lives off of energy, and the sun is also a source of energy that the Earth uses to survive. And without energy, ATP, would make it so that I could not play Baseball!!!

purple flowers said...

HI MRS. UTLEY!!! I've never blogged before so this should be fun........ I like your notes because when I look over all of them at the end of the section I totally understand them. I just get a tiny bit confussed in class in the middle of the section because I don't see how it all ties in together at first sometimes.

Atp is important because it is the chemical our bodies use for energy. It is produced by the ATP synthase in the mitochondion which is located in the cell. It is used more for the transferring and short time storage of energy. Energy is defined as the ability to do work. Our bodies need energy to perform the work that keeps us alive.

Plants also need ATP for energy because they have mitochondria too. During photosynthesis, the electron transport chain accepts high energy electrons which are pumped down thier concentration gradient through the ATP synthase which turns to produce ATP. Plants are important because they provide food for heterotrophs and oxygen that helps sustain all life.

MiseryLovesItsCompany said...

Hello Mrs. Utley!!! I personally have very little experience with blogging. I have done some blogs through MySpace but that is about it. I hope that in doing this I will learn more about blogging and gain a better understanding of biology itself.
ATP is very important because it is energy. Without energy we would not be able to be energetic about this new biology blog.

26RINGS said...

Hey lambofreak. I want to know you true identity! I think I have a clue. I feel you when you say you wouldn't be able to play baseball. That would stink. Over the last few months, I have experienced life without baseball. Not fun. ATP is an amazing thing!

26RINGS said...

Purple flowers. Your post made my head spin. Three paragraphs. Way to go. I agree with you that ATP is necessary to keep us alive.

Mrs. Utley said...

Hey Students! Thank you to those of you who have responded so far! It is so fun to read your responses! All of your responses are right on the money! Keep up the good work! Blessings!

jbalmer said...

Hey Mrs. Utley, I actually have never experienced this nifty little thing called blogging but I'm sure it will help me be more involved and understand how I'm doing in comparison to other classmates.

In the cell, ATP is produced by ATP Synthase. ATP is the molecule the human body uses for energy, the ability to do work. Without energy, no human or any organism would be able to do anything, therefore we would be useless and nonexistent. Therefore, energy gives organisms capability to live. A is to B and B is to C, therefore, A is to C. ATP is to Energy and Energy is to Life which concludes that ATP is to Life.

jbalmer said...

26 rings, nice work. Not being able to exist without ATP sums it all up for me. Thank goodness for ATP! You are right! Without it we wouldn't be able to respond to these nifty little comments!

jbalmer said...

purple flowers, I thought you explained the importance of ATP very well and with great intellence. Great Job!

Gabbs said...

Well I haven't technically blogged. I mean yah I've been on live journal, xanga and at times, post a blog on my myspace. But I have yet to actually blog like this. So I guess it'll hopefully be a fun experience, in which I can interact with fellow classmates and get worth while feedback with out the negative comments we seem to have trouble controling in class. (cough)

And now for a serious question. Why is ATP sooo important: Well ATP is used in plants and animals alike. For us, it is the chemical our bodies use for energy. Atp is produced as an energy source during the processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration.

purpleflowers said...

Hey everyone! I had to change my username (no space now) because I accidently forgot my password

thanx 26 rings. i was just in one of those really weird biology moods where i totally understood it then but wouldnt at any other time. At those times i usually get my biology homework done because at other times i just wouldnt understand it. and i was also doing the take home quiz at the same time. lol. speaking of which, what is the final electron acceptor in photosystem I? i made a pretty good guess but im still unsure about my answer. O and baseball is fun too watch.... and i think i might know who lambofreak is... maybe... based on the baseball stuff and the username

newenglandpatriots said...

I have never blogged before. I hope to accomplish learning alot more about biology. ATP is so important because if you didn't have ATP you wouldn't be able to do anything. The reason why is because ATP supples energy, so if you didn't have any ATP than you wouldn't be alive.

Hannah Banana :] said...

Hey Mrs. Utley :]

Well i don't have much exerience in blogging, but i hope this will be helpful with studying.

ATP is a very important molecule because it provides energy. Without energy nothing would exist because nothing would be able to do work.

pow4life said...

Well Mrs. Utley, I haven’t had any experience with blogging. This is going to be a brand new exciting adventure into the technological world. But many of many friends do blog and I check out their blogs once in a while to find out details on an event. I am truly honored to be in your class and experience blogging. I will hope to get more information and different perspectives on a certain section. This will give people the chance to speak up.

Now to the amazing fun filled question. ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) without a negotiation is the body's most important molecule, from an energy producing standpoint. ATP is an adenine nucleotide bound to three phosphates, manufactured in the mitochondria. Every cell in our body, stores, and uses energy, biochemically, through ATP. ATP is very important so use it don’t abuse it.

pow4life said...

Hey lambofreak, I like what you wrote about ATP. You have expanded my thoughts on ATP. Also when you said without energy, ATP, would make it so you cant play baseball and if we cant play baseball that would be bad.

pow4life said...

Hey Gabbs,
I like how said," I can interact with fellow classmates and get worth while feedback with out the negative comments we seem to have trouble controling in class." It is true. Good answer.

Unknown said...

I have never successfully done a blog before, but i hope to be able to interact with my fellow students and talk about biology in a non school environment.

A.T.P. is so important because every cell in every organism uses it, and unlike NADPH it hold a small amount of energy for a small time to the cell doesnt get too much energy but in gets just enough.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Lambo Freak i completely agree atp is the single most important thing in our bodies.

Unknown said...

pow4life i think you would do a great job teaching the class.

Fight On! 11 said...

Hi Mrs. Utley!
I guess I have done this before, but i'm no expert! I hope to benefit by learning from my fellow peers, while also learning from your lectures, then combining the two, to be SUPER SMART!
ATP stores our energy and transfers it efficiently to the designated places. And when we run out of it, we use the glucose! I really appreciate ATP, because it helps there to be less lactic acid after a long soccer practice. And when I do get lactic acid, I know when my body needs more water and energy!

Fight On! 11 said...

Pow4life, you sound like a bilogy teacher! good blog!

Fight On! 11 said...

Good blog, it would really stink to not have atp to play baseball, i would be sad to if i could'nt play soccer...:(

biology4life said...

Hey Mrs. Utley. I have never blogged before. I don't really like blogs but i think this biology blog can help me in my biology studies.

ATP is important it is used by all cell as their basic energy source and it is a common form in which energy is stored in living systems. As a result we need ATP to live!

Marine For Life said...

I have no experience blogging so i hope to gain more and to have a better study tool for bio.
ATP is, as many of you have stated, extremely important. Without it we would not be able to accomplish our daily activities such as going to school, chillin with friends, or even getting out of bed. ATP is energy for our bodies and without energy we would just basically be shells because we would be completely useless. The sun is also another provider of energy but ATP is better suited and since its actually in our bodies, its probably a better source. Also, being in the sun too long can cause many problems whereas ATP can't. GO ATP ! ! ! ! !

CaliGirlxo said...

Hi Mrs. Utley =]

I have blogged before, but it was just for chatting and not about anything school related.

I hope to learn more about things I didn't understand and be able to discuss it!

ATP allows you to move and function. It gives you energy, and is the most important molecule in the body, in my opinion.

CaliGirlxo said...

purple flowers,

wow, you put a lot of info!! good work =].

CaliGirlxo said...

fight on! 11,

good work =]

yes, soccer would be impossible without ATP!!!

playsomethingcountry said...

i do not have experience blogging. i hope to obtain a better overall understanding of Biology through this blog.

ATP is important because it provides energy for the cell. ATP is good for transferring energy but is not good for long time storage. ATP comes from ADP. ADP will make ATP whenever it is told that more ATP is needed.

playsomethingcountry said...

i do not have any experience blogging. i hope to obtain a better overall understanding of Biology by using this blog.

ATP provides energy for the cell. It is made from ADP. ADP will make ATP when it is told that ATP is needed. ATP is good for transferring energy but is not good for long term storage.

jimmyboy said...

I have no previous blogging experience. I hope to accomplish learning more about biology.
ATP is the body's energy source. Without energy our bodies could not function. That is why ATP is so important.

la chica said...

Hi, Mrs. Utley. Well, I have some experience of blogging. I have my own blog and some of my friends have them too. I hope this can keep my work goes well and get better understanding of the lecture or anything about biology.

ATP is a chemical which can use it for our body. It also used in plants and animals. It provides energy and makes people or all the plants and animals able to live. ATP used as energy during the cellular respiration and the photosynthesis. For these incredible reasons, we need an ATP due to alive!

la chica said...


what a great, short answer.

i totally agree what you said.

no one can survive without ATP.

la chica said...

to purple flowers,

wow, your reply was amazing.

anyone can stop by and read that

3 paragraphs long!

Anonymous said...

sorry for the name change again but my computer seems to hate me and wont let me do more than one post with each username......

thanxs la chica and caligirlxo. your answers were great too. I also liked lambofreak's comment on ATP.

april fool said...

Hi, Mrs. Utley, I think I have some experience about blog, but it was not for study, so it was kind of different. I hope I can learn more in this bio-blog.

ATP is very important for our body; it provides energy for our body, it also provides energy for all the living things, it is great for transferring and storing energy but it isn’t good for long term storage. As a result, ATP gives us an opportunity to live.

april fool said...

purple flowers,
I like your answer, and I agree with it. It was very long (3 paragraphs…wow….) and it was very clear, that makes a lot sense to me.

april fool said...

la chica,
I like your answer, too. And I like your last sentence, “For these incredible reasons, we need an ATP due to alive!” It was very true!

bittersweet said...

I have never blogged before but I think this is a good way to communicate with other biology students and discuss different biology topics.

In my opinion, ATP is very, very important. It transports chemical energy within cells. It is also an excellent source of energy during the processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Energy is defined as the ability to do work. Without energy, we would not be able to work or to get anything done. So ATP is essential for life and for getting work done.

eggy said...

Hi Mrs. Utley!!

I have done blogging one time before with my church I think. It is pretty nifty!

I thunk ATP is an important thing because it is the molecule that gives us our energy. Energy is the ability to do work, which is something that our bodies do every day. So, without ATP, our bodies would not be able to fulfill daily functions

eggy said...

Whoops! I spelled think as thunk. I meant think. Sorry about that!

paigie wagie said...

I have never had experience blogging, but I am hoping that i will be good at it! it seems like it is going to be a blast. With this blogging system I will be able to grow in my knowledge of biology and hopefully learn new facts as well.

ATP is so important because it gives our bodies the energy that we need to do everyday tasks and most importantly it allows our bodies to complete strenuous activities. It is so important because plants need it as well so in the long run the plants produce oxygen and we take that in and release carbon dioxide and the plants take that in. So basically because of ATP the circle of life is continued! YAY!!

jbalmer- i totally agree with the idea that without ATP we would not be able to do anything and therefore the world would not exist! Great thought!

purple flowers- Right on when you said that ATP is used for short term storage and how it is produced through ATP synthase in the mitochondrion. Great job!

paigie wagie said...

I have never had experience blogging, but I am hoping that i will be good at it! it seems like it is going to be a blast. With this blogging system I will be able to grow in my knowledge of biology and hopefully learn new facts as well.

ATP is so important because it gives our bodies the energy that we need to do everyday tasks and most importantly it allows our bodies to complete strenuous activities. It is so important because plants need it as well so in the long run the plants produce oxygen and we take that in and release carbon dioxide and the plants take that in. So basically because of ATP the circle of life is continued! YAY!!

jbalmer- i totally agree with the idea that without ATP we would not be able to do anything and therefore the world would not exist! Great thought!

purple flowers- Right on when you said that ATP is used for short term storage and how it is produced through ATP synthase in the mitochondrion. Great job!

paigie wagie said...

sorry ... I didn't mean to post that twice. I'm kinda computer challenged!

wondy said...

hi mrs. utley!
before today i had no experience with bloging so this is all so exciting :D! i think it is really cool that we get to discuss biology together like this. i am so excited to hear others point of view and get some help with things that i dont quite understand.

now about ATP. like what we just learned, ATP is chemical energy(which is a form of Potential energy) that can be stored for a short period of time. sure, it doesnt produce as much energy as glycogen, but ATP is better at transporting energy.

wondy said...

i would have to respectfully disagree with lambofreak's statement that ATP is the most important part of the cell because if any part of the cell was emmitted, then the cell wouldnt be able to function in the same way. however i will state that ATP is a very important sorce of energy for our cells.
PS: how did you think up your name? it sounds really cool and i want to know what it means :D

wondy said...

hey marine for life!

i know somwe one who is in the Young Marine training program!
So cool!

i love how you pointed out that we cant even get out of bed w/o ATP! Wow!! i mean, i knew that but i never KNEW that! (oh boy do i feel ditzy right now :D). i definitely agree with you "GO ATP"!

2infinity&beyond said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
2infinity&beyond said...

ATP is an important molecule because it provides quick bursts of energy. Without energy life wouldn't really exist. ATP releases energy when bonds are broken in the form of chemical energy. This kind of energy allows us to have motion. I agree with paigie wagie in that all things need energy to act and in a plant's case to make food.

2infinity&beyond said...

Mrs. Utley,
How many posts are required for full credit?
I already posted two.

2infinity&beyond said...


This is my first time blogging and i admit i wasn't too excited, but its easier than i thought. Through this blog i want to be able to help other students understand the concepts better and hopefully widen my biology spectrum at the same time. I love how all the biology classes are together so that i can learn from honors students as well.

intragon said...

I have never blogged before and I hope this will be the stepping stone for the better current and future biology class.
ATP is very important substance in our body because it is the very basic form of energy that we can body use. In order for our body working and operating, our body needs energy. It is like fuel in vehicles. Just assume that we have a car. It is very complicated and basically need fuel for us to drive. Our body is similar with that. So, in order to do work, moreover to live, we need ATP as fuel of our body,

wowowowoowoww said...

Hi Mrs. Utley. I dont have much experience of blogging. I start to blog for History class. I hope we can discuss biology here and have a better understanding from this blog.

The reason that ATP is so important is it produces energy when it breaks down. Likewise, machines dont work without the battery, we cannot live without the energy.

Taylor said...

Mrs. Utley,
This is not my first time blogging. I have blogged for Mr. Reeder too, but this is a whole different setup.
ATP is important because it is basically our energy, it makes us able to...well live!

Taylor said...

I 100% agree with flyawaypony

Taylor said...

Woo is totally correct.
-and he has a great annalogy.

xxNOT_ANDREWxx said...

hey mrs. utley! i have absolutely no experience with blogging, but i hope that this blog will be a fun and educational experience that we can all use to strengthen our understanding of biology and life :)!

ATP is crucial to our bodies because it provides us with energy so that we can be active and do work. as i like to put it when making small talk with my fellows, ATP is Absolutely Totally Phenomenal (ATP)!

*Andrew did not write this*

SN78910 said...

Hello Mrs. Utley, my experiance with blogging is clean as a whistle. I have never blogged before and I hope that this can help me obtain a better understanding of Biology. As for the biology related question, ATP is very important because its our bodies energy source. Plants need ATP too, as they have mitochondria. ATP truly is required for living. Thanks for reading Mrs. Utley :)

SN78910 said...

I agree with Taylor, technically we have blogged for Mr. Reeder before, but he is also right on the importance of ATP.

Crossroads234 said...

Hey everyone!!! This is my first time blogging and I hope to learn a thing or two about it in doing this. I hope through this blog that i could also gain a greater understanding of the material by discussing it among my classmates.

ATP is essential to our bodies. It is our most basic energy source. Without it we could not function because we would have no energy to power our cells.

PersianKevanMonkey said...

I have never blogged before but I hope to learn alot from my fellow classmates.

Atp is important because it is used to produce energy. Since energy is defined as the ability to do work then without atp we would not be able to work and therefore we would die.

SN78910 said...

I agree with KevanPersianMonkey, this blog should be fun and should be a great asset in extending our knowledge of biology.

PersianKevanMonkey said...

I agree with Crossroads. I think that Atp is completly necessary for us to survive.

PersianKevanMonkey said...

I agree with sn78910 that atp runs our bodies and gives us energy.

D-ray said...

This is my first time blogging, so i hope i can figure this out quickly. It doesn't look to hard, and it seems like an excellent way to turn in homework.

ATP is very essential to our bodies, because it is our pre-eminent source of energy. Without energy we could not function or accomplish anything. It keeps our bodies running and is quickly used and restored. Adenine Triphosphate is an exceptionally commendable energy source in our bodies.

D-ray said...

I completely agree with xxnot_andrewxx. ATP is crucial to our bodies, and I now see how ATP is Absolutely Totally Phenomenal. Whoever this fine fellow is seems to know what he is talking about. You are truly a delight and a shining light in this sea of brandy

D-ray said...

I agree with sn78910. I truly hope this blogging experience will propel my knowledge of biology to limits I have never dreamed of.

Crossroads234 said...

I Like Intragon's analogy of our bodies being cars and ATP being our basic fuel to help us drive. It's a great example.

daseap said...

Hey Mrs. Utley, I have had some experience blogging, but too much. I think that I will enjoy this added aspect of Biology!

ATP is important because it plays a key role in the production of energy. Without it, nothing would be able to do anything, as 26 rings said. Also, we wouldn't have any ATP without ADP so we should be thankful for that too.

1. What I learned in Biology class
2. Good Ol' Wikipedia

jtkilla said...

Hi Mrs. Utley, the only time i have really used a blog is in Mr. Reeder's. And i've only done that twice up to date, so i'm not really the expert, but i plan to become better as well as you and i'm sure a lot of others.
Well the mitochondria is the power house of the cell, and it gets its power from ATP. So, without ATP, you dont have mitochondria, without mitochondria, you have no energy, without energy, you can't do anything. So when it gets down to it, technically, ATP runs everything that we do and when we move and such.

jtkilla said...

I agree with this persiankevanmonkey person is, without any prior knowledge of who this enigmatic person is i would guess he is some sort of genius. "without atp we would not be able to work and therefore we would die." Couldn't have said it better myself mr.kevan, couldn't have said it better myself...

daseap said...

I agree with Crossroads234. Without ATP, we would basically just be blobs of goop on the ground... not even that. We'd be dead as PersianKevanMonkey said.

jtkilla said...

I concur with sn78910, as our great biology teacher taught us, there is mitochondria and ATP in plants as well as humans.

xxNOT_ANDREWxx said...

d-ray, you have a truly laudable and meritorious vocabulary! using words such as "pre-eminent", "commendable", and, um, "brandy", you have made my BioBlog™ experience unequivocally capricious. i thank you, grand gentleman.

with the upmost sincerety,
i am not Andrew

daseap said...

yup, D-ray hit the nail right on the head: "Without energy we could not function or accomplish anything."

D-ray said...

Thank you xxnot_andrewxx, you also are a fine gentleman of equivocal vocabulary. You would be an admirable adversary to encounter in a duel of words. Your thoughts are honorable and I was wondering if you could expand on your thoughts about Absolutely Totally Phenomenal ATP. How did you come to this congenial conclusion?

CrazyFootballplayer56 said...

Well Mrs. Utley I have no experience whatsover that has to deal with blogging. Well infact this is my first blog and my first time creating a blog. From this I hope to gain more information and here the opinions of my classmates. Atp is an essential part of body to function. It is important because it provides energy for our bodies. without energy we could not do the every day tasks that we do.

xxNOT_ANDREWxx said...

Props to you, JTKILLA, for making the refulgent connection between the mitochondrian and ATP. I had not precedently made this coruscating association between the two. as the great Jean-Luc Picard once said, "Prepare yourselves, my fellow adventurers, for an enlightening journey. for knowledge truly is, the final frontier." i tenaciously believe that truer words have never been uttered by a denizen of this wonderful planet we call Earth. every time i sign on to the BioBlog™, i recite that quote aloud unto myself, so as to mentaly prepare myself for any new knowledge i might unwittingly obtain. cheers, JTKILLA and all like-minded specimens.

with even more sincerity than my preceding post,
Not_Andrew, Level 89 Paladin

ILoveLandon said...

Greetings Mrs. Utley!!!!!!!!!!! Personally, I have bundles of experience in my field of blogging. It is the one thing that let's me show my inner thoughts and feeling's openly for all to see ananimously!!!!!!

ATP...Where to begin??? It is the main supply of energy for our bodies. Without it, there wouldn't be the possibility for us students to comment in this fun, yet educational blog!!! Recall that the term 'energy' is defined as 'the ability to do work'. So if there was no work done in our daily lives, you might as well just stay in bed every morning and miss smelling the sunshine... Realize that everyone needs to work to earn a living, and that everyone needs to get paid in order to live. Without the supply of energy our bodies need, there isn't a way for us to live. Therefore, I'd say that ATP is an extremely important molecule in the human body.

Hannah Banana :] said...

Good Job Paigie Wagie!!! You're right the circle of life would not continue without ATP!! :]

Hannah Banana :] said...

hey ilovelandon!
wow good job! thats alot of information you got going on there! :]

jtkilla said...

I accord in opinion with my consort of abstruseness, xxnot_andrewxx. i too expose my self to some good literature anytime i impel my cerebellum to a good attainment of any sort of knowledge pertaining to the BioBlog™. Alexandre Dumas has some classical literature that i would like to catechize any of my fellow colleagues to check out, such as The Count of Monte Cristo,The Three Musketeers, The Man in the Iron Mask, these are just a scanty bit of things this great wordsmith has contrived.

Phoenix92 said...

Hey Mrs. Uttely! How is it going? I know you want to get this over with as soon as possible so this is actually my seccond time doing a blog. As for how i think this will benefit the class, I think that this will allow people to speak more oppenly. As for ATP I believe that if we did not have it we would not be able to survive in the many environments we live in now and we could not provide for ourselves without it.

Crossroads234 said...

Purple Flowers! Great explanation. You gave a good amount of detail that's easy to retain and i agree 100% with your description.

xxNOT_ANDREWxx said...

To be quite frank, D-Ray, i came to this resplendent conclusion while pondering the thoughts of my brilliant companion, Crossroads234. i veraciously believe that Crossroads234 should accompany us during our duel of words, as he is truly a world-class WordWielder™. and in the case that you have not yet consummately made the assertion, i am whole-heartedly willing to participate in your word duel. i await your response with great vehemence.

you seriously cannot comprehend how sincere i am being right now,
Not_Andrew, semi-professional word-dueler

ILoveLandon said...

I completely agre with 26 rings. He/She is spot on when it comes to information about ATP

ILoveLandon said...


It's great to know that someone pays attention in Biology! Excellent work. Well done. Bravo. FAntastic! Superior work! Great Blog!

2infinity&beyond said...

Purple Flowers:
You explained atp perfectly and in a simple way that is easy to understand.

D-ray said...

I concur with your perpetual proposition that Crossroads234 should join our barrage of words. He seems like a man of irreprehensible knowledge of adage.
To respond to your magnanimous conclusion of how ATP should be rendered, I quote a melodious tune, "Chain reaction, shades of passion,
we surrender, lose control"
This diction elucidates the potential ability of ATP energy. Without our bodies capability of containing this explosive power, we would be lost in shades of passion and have absolutely no control.

babymelzy said...

Hello ms. Uttley how are you doing today, I hope you are doing extremely great, I am doing great, especially now that i know what a blog is and how much fun it can be. I had never heard of a blog before you announced that we were going to have one for our class. I was not excited at first but now bada bah bah bah I'm loving it. <333333333

ATP is very important because it is pretty much the basis of all life. It provides short bursts of energy that we use everyday. we use it to write, to wash our hands, or even to type like what i'm doing right now. that is why ATP is so important. Until next time, goodbye.

babymelzy said...

I agree with you, 26 rings. Energy is defined as the ability to do work. Without energy, no work would be done. Nothing would be accomplished. Of course, with nothing happening, the universe would not be able to function, therefore, we, as well as all other forms of life, would be unable to exist.

2infinity&beyond said...

Nicely put d-ray, i completely agree! :)

babymelzy said...

i have to agree with lambofreak, ATP is the most important thing in the human body and in anything that goes through cellular. Great job!!

babymelzy said...

Hello ms. Uttley how are you doing today, I hope you are doing extremely great, I am doing great, especially now that i know what a blog is and how much fun it can be. I had never heard of a blog before you announced that we were going to have one for our class. I was not excited at first but now

ATP is very important because it is pretty much the basis of all life. It provides short bursts of energy that we use everyday. we use it to write, to wash our hands, or even to type like what i'm doing right now. that is why ATP is so important. Until next time, goodbye.

babymelzy said...

sorry posted same thing twice

mfdoom said...

ATP is important because it gives energy. And without energy you would not be able to do much.

mfdoom said...

babymelzy i agree with you how you said ATP provides short bursts of energy that we use everyday

mfdoom said...

lambofreak you have a good point

G1 Logitech said...

Hello Mrs.Utley I thought you were able to post it with out signing up which made me write this all over again T-T... However this is my first blog experience and I am looking forward to this new study method!

ATP(Adenosine Triphosphate) is essential to our body system due to the effect that makes energy.
Since our body needs energy to function vital organs and excercise, I say Mitochondia and ATP is very important...

Anonymous said...

Yea i plan to do young marines when it is possible but for now i just work with some buddies in the corps. Not andrew and d-ray and jtkillllaaaaaa i really love the usage of such perplex vocabuary. I agree with your statements and hope to see more interesting posts from you 3 :) (by the way sorry i had tochange my name the thing wouldn't recognize my password)

G1 Logitech said...

To babymelzy
The answer overall in this question was limited so I didn't know what to reply however I think you gave good examples about it which made your answer notable compared to others!! Good Job:)

G1 Logitech said...

To d-ray
Wow... Your answer is like reading a piece of artwork. Your explanation was somewhat "musical" nice answer!

ILMU said...

I have blogged before with my friends. But it is my first time to blogging for the class. I hope it makes me to understand more and have interest in Biology. It will also be chance to share others information and thinking.

Living things can live with energy. If they don’ have energy, it must die. Because the reason living things need energy is everything they do is from energy. Even breathing and eating. ATP is the source of energy. It provides them. So for living things, they need ATP.

ILMU said...

your answer is splendid. It has the most important infromation and summarized reall well. nice job!!

:D said...

Personally I have never really had any experience with blogging; I’ve been exposed to it but haven’t ever gotten into it. I believe this assignment will help us grow in different more specific topics in Biology. It seems like it will be a great tool in learning.
ATP is one of the most important molecules after DNA. It is helpful in providing energy, and energy is known as the ability to do work and with lack of energy one would not be able to live and thrive. It is pretty much the whole bassis of our lives.

ILMU said...

26 rings, your answer is just exactly what answer is. That shows clearly and accurately.

jellybelly said...

Hey Mrs. Utley :], blogging is all new for me but I think it's kinda fun. I hope to get better and faster at it.

ATP is important for our bodies because it is what the body uses for energy. It is the basic unit of energy for the human body. It is produced during the process of cellular respiration. Plants use it to but in a different way. It is produced during photosynthesis.

:D said...

i completly agree with you on the matter. without ATP one would not be able to live or do anything productive for that matter.

:D said...

i completly agree with you. without ATP we wouldnt even be able to do the little things like writing these blogs.

jellybelly said...

wow! i think its really great how jbalmer explained ATP by comparing it to life...very nice! :]
I'm pretty sure he was also saying that energy is life.

jellybelly said...

so I'm back! i also really like what bittersweet had to say, that without energy we would not have the ability to work... i never really thought about that in depth before now! so, energy = work and work = energy :]

Mrs. Utley said...

Wow kids! I am so proud of all of you...thank you so much for your positive responses...I'll see you in class!

The Cage Fighter said...

Hola Senora Utley. Tengo expiernca con "blogging", yo espero a ganar un grande variedad de biology. Yo estoy latino and quiero aprender ingles.

With out ATP we would die. Our bodies would not be able to use it for a quick supply of energy. And for little Planties they would not be able to use this energy source for simple transactions in the Plant.

There once was a fuzzy Squirell named "Drew"
He always felt blue
He had a weightlifting partner named "Glue"
And He knew
What might be the clue
He Liked old rubber shoes!

whooinsten said...

I dont usually write any blogs. my church is very big on blogs. i usually just to the video aspect of things for the blogs. blogging can be a very powerful tool to helping others whenever and wherever. i hope to be able to learn from our blogs because i will be able to do this assignment if i am at home or especially when i am not. there is always internet other places as-well.

And now for a biology question...In our last unit on cellular respiration, you learned how mitochondria produce ATP. Why is this molecule so important?

The molecule ATP is important because it has to do with energy. energy is one of the key driving forces that our bodies need to do work. when photosynthesis occurs in a plant, the ATP is used as
a short term storage unit for energy. an analogy would be a small rechargeable battery. after a short time, it needs to be recharged.

peeping tom said...
